Google Releases Android 5.0.2 (LRX22G) For Nexus 7 2012 Wi-Fi

A surprise update and without any notice, in the last minute Google has released a new update for Nexus 7, 2012 in the only Wi-Fi version. Android 5.0.1 was rather minor update, with only a few notable changes. Android 5.0.2 is definitely bigger, but it’s still not huge. Google  managed to address some issues withMountService which should now start before performBootDexOpt. This fixes a previously reported bug in the issue tracker. Some other changes related to NAND have also been pushed. Fstrim, introduced in Android 4.3, caused some serious issues on Lollipop. According to this log Developer cybojenix says, devices turned off for the night had problems with fstrim being launched at all. Google addressed the issue and devices with slow NAND should now have a noticeable performance boost.
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Android 5.0.2 is currently only available for this model and see if it will be released (likely) for other Nexus. Unknown novelties.

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